Monday, 27 June 2011

The Sad Heart : My Angel


I am not going lie; if I could count the tears that I have shed just because of my wedding arrangements and the people who are involve with it. Biasa lah, people bound to get hurt or what so ever. Aku yang bakal pengantin ni hanya mampu diam melihat sandiwara semasa tapi takpe lah, who am I to force people what to feel. Sepatutnya lagi 4 hari lagi aku bakal mengakhiri zaman bujangku ni aku sudah tidak lagi ada perasaan tertekan, lain yang diharapkan lain pula yang terjadi.

Semalam dengan perasaan sedih aku berbual dgn kakak angkatku; menanyakan pendapatnya. There is one thing about her that i like the most... the quality that no one has... the aura when she talks or when she explains things. Just thinking about her makes me smile. The moment she opens up her mouth it's like flowers coming floating in the air. Betul!!! Tak tipu!!!

Her respond to my problem simply just make me laugh, nak tahu ape die cakap? She said...

"Normal to worry. I'm giving you an easier way through. Remember -
determine to be a glowing bride - a frowning bride tak sexy ;) "

LOL - sure aunty sexy! Hahahaha... well anyway, kalau ada sesiapa yang curious nak tahu siapa gerangan my favorite aunty ni... ha.... she's the one who will give speech, representing me to my future husband on my wedding day. SSssoooo.... stay tune *wink*wink